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ImageSys LLC has been serving the Gaithersburg area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Use Excel to Create Eye-Catching Visuals

Tip of the Week: Use Excel to Create Eye-Catching Visuals

Spreadsheets are excellent ways to communicate a lot of information in a concise format. However, the big problem is that a spreadsheet alone isn’t very visually appealing. To remedy this, you can add other visual elements, like charts, into your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. For today’s tip, we’ll go over some of your options.

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Tip of the Week: How ‘StarWars’ Can Compromise Your Data’s Security

Tip of the Week: How ‘StarWars’ Can Compromise Your Data’s Security

If you think about it, password security is an interesting phenomenon. The odds are that a user knows the importance of using a strong password, as well as the potential consequences of using weak ones. Yet, time after time, people would rather go with passwords that are easy to type and remember, as opposed to adding a few simple security measures.

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Tip of the Week: Five Ways to Use Your Android Phone Faster

Tip of the Week: Five Ways to Use Your Android Phone Faster

More businesses are moving to mobile technology than ever before, and one of the most popular solutions to this phenomenon comes in the form of Android smartphones. Android devices actually have quite a lot of hidden features that you’ll want to consider so that you can get the most out of your technology. Here are some efficient tips to help you get more productivity out of your Android device.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Reasons to Consider Using Microsoft Edge

Tip of the Week: 4 Reasons to Consider Using Microsoft Edge

Chances are, if given the choice, you would choose Google Chrome over Microsoft Edge for your web browsing needs. Knowing this, Microsoft has enabled users to customize their Edge browsers to suit their needs a little more. For today’s tip, we’ll go over how to set up these features and settings.

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Tip of the Week: Why You Should Keep a Closer Eye on Your Android Permissions

Tip of the Week: Why You Should Keep a Closer Eye on Your Android Permissions

Downloading an app is a fairly straightforward process on an Android device. Access the Google Play store, find the app, and press install. However, when you first try to use the app, things can sometimes become more complicated as your phone starts asking you for vague permissions. For today’s tip, we’ll explore what these permission requests are actually asking for.

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Tip of the Week: Use the Lessons Learned in 2017 to Improve 2018’s Cybersecurity

Tip of the Week: Use the Lessons Learned in 2017 to Improve 2018’s Cybersecurity

2017 was chock-full of security threats, attacks, and breaches. Therefore, 2017 was also chock-full of lessons to be learned regarding business cybersecurity. For this week’s tip, we’ll review a few lessons that hopefully weren’t missed.

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Tip of the Week: Lost Internet? Don’t Lose Productivity!

Tip of the Week: Lost Internet? Don’t Lose Productivity!

It’s safe to say that most businesses today rely on the Internet, as do most of the humans who work at them. Therefore, when the cable suddenly goes out and their connection is lost, many employees may find themselves struggling with a downtime incident. There can be many causes to a lost Internet connection, with just as many ways to identify and resolve it.

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Tip of the Week: What Kind of Computer Fits Your Needs?

Tip of the Week: What Kind of Computer Fits Your Needs?

In the current business environment, a computer of some sort is a necessity. However, it is important that you select the right one. After all, it wouldn’t do to not have the capabilities that your business requires, but why spend extra for more than you need? For today’s tip, we’ll guide you through the computer selection process so that you can make the best choice for you, without doing too much damage to your budget.

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Tip of the Week: Improving Your Online Privacy

Tip of the Week: Improving Your Online Privacy

Most users are aware that their browsers offer a “secure” browsing experience. Google Chrome has Incognito mode, Microsoft’s Edge browser allows you to surf the Internet “InPrivate,” and Apple’s Safari offers Private Browsing as well. The trouble is, these “secure” browsing options aren’t actually all that secure. For today’s tip, we’ll discuss ways to actually keep your Internet browsing private.

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Tech Term: Spam

Tech Term: Spam

Spam: it’s something that just about every computer user has heard of, and knows is bad. However, how much do you really know about spam? For today’s Tech Term, we’ll slice into the different types of spam, as well as some theories as to where the term itself originated.

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Tip of the Week: Functional Excel Features

Tip of the Week: Functional Excel Features

Spreadsheets are great for organizing information, but they aren’t particularly interesting to look at--especially if you aren’t using Microsoft Excel to the best of your ability. Today’s tip is dedicated to going over some of the more obscure Microsoft Excel tips and tricks that will help you stylize your spreadsheets and make them more dynamic.

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Tip of the Week: 5 Ways to Keep Your Data Safe

Tip of the Week: 5 Ways to Keep Your Data Safe

The basics are called “the basics” because they are the information you need to know first before you can get a genuine understanding of any concept. In many ways, the basics of network security are extremely important and cannot be ignored. Here are five basic ways you can keep your devices as secure as possible.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Microsoft Office Collaboration Tips

Tip of the Week: 3 Microsoft Office Collaboration Tips

Microsoft has consistently turned out collaboration software of all kinds, but some are more effective than others. We’ll try to single out some of the best and brightest solutions for collaboration in the business world.

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Tip of the Week: The Basics of Evernote

Tip of the Week: The Basics of Evernote

With smartphones being so well suited to productivity and on-the-go organization, it’s little wonder that they have become a great tool for note-taking. One application in particular, Evernote, was designed with many features focused toward this very task. For this week’s tip, we’ll review some of the reasons that Evernote is a stand-out note-taking tool.

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Tip of the Week: Don’t Waste Capital In the Cloud

Tip of the Week: Don’t Waste Capital In the Cloud

The cloud has transformed the way people work; and, as a result people rely on it for more than ever. Some businesses have all their computing resources in the cloud, while many others utilize it for software as a service, communication tools, and other major parts of their business’ IT. The more businesses start relying on cloud-hosted computing resources, the more these cloud resources are being wasted. Since they come at a premium price, businesses are beginning to discover that they are wasting money on their cloud.

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Tip of the Week: Adding a Watermark to a Word Document

Tip of the Week: Adding a Watermark to a Word Document

If you need to make something very clear about a document, adding a watermark to it is an excellent route to take. Microsoft Word 2016 (if you have Office 365, this applies too) makes it especially easy to do so. For this week’s tip, we’ll review the process of adding a watermark to your Word documents.

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Tip of the Week: How to Manage Your Network Profiles

Tip of the Week: How to Manage Your Network Profiles

Your Windows computer has all kinds of different settings that let it connect to different networks. While this might not seem like major difference, it could have a drastic effect on your organization’s cybersecurity. This week’s tip is dedicated to helping you make sure that your network profile is as secure as possible.

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Tip of the Week: How to Keep Your Cabling Under Control

Tip of the Week: How to Keep Your Cabling Under Control

If you’ve spent any time at all looking at the cables that connect and power your business’ technology, chances are that you’re intimidated and confused, to say the least. Having an effective strategy to manage and organize these cables is incredibly important for businesses, as with the right strategy, you can optimize access and connectivity to improve your organization’s operations.

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Tip of the Week: Get Paid Faster with These Invoicing Tips

Tip of the Week: Get Paid Faster with These Invoicing Tips

What’s the point of doing business if you aren’t making money? Processing payments is one of the most critical parts of running a business. To make this easier and more efficient for your company, we recommend working with more effective invoices. This week, we’ll discuss how you can make your invoices more valuable.

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Tip of the Week: How to Use PowerPoint More Efficiently

Tip of the Week: How to Use PowerPoint More Efficiently

When there is a need to create a presentation, one solution is common enough that its name has become synonymous with the presentation itself: PowerPoint. Not only does this Microsoft Office staple have plenty of features for a user to leverage, it also provides a considerable amount of shortcuts and time-saving tricks. This week’s tip will dive into some of these tricks.

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