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ImageSys LLC Blog

ImageSys LLC has been serving the Gaithersburg area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Whose Side is Human Resources On?

Whose Side is Human Resources On?

Businesses rely more and more on human resources to keep the workplace civil and functioning. However, many employees are often too intimidated to approach HR for fear of reprisal. How can this dissonance be fixed, and can technology help?

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Tip of the Week: 5 Ways to Keep Your Data Safe

Tip of the Week: 5 Ways to Keep Your Data Safe

The basics are called “the basics” because they are the information you need to know first before you can get a genuine understanding of any concept. In many ways, the basics of network security are extremely important and cannot be ignored. Here are five basic ways you can keep your devices as secure as possible.

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Do Browser-Saved Passwords Stay Secure?

Do Browser-Saved Passwords Stay Secure?

One of the best things about computers is that there is always a new way to make something easier: automation decreases a workload, their processors can calculate much faster than the human brain can, collaboration with coworkers becomes almost effortless, and your web browser can even remember your passwords! However, you have to ask yourself: is the ability to save your passwords in your browser really a great idea?

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A Short Look at 2018 in Cybersecurity

A Short Look at 2018 in Cybersecurity

Hackers and other security threats are everyday problems for users all over the world. We’re not even talking about just simple phishing emails--you’d be surprised by how many victims are from straight-up hacking attacks. The security sector has been forced to adapt, growing at an astronomical rate. To help your organization get up to speed on the latest threats and hacks, we’ve put together a list of the first half of 2018’s most notorious breaches and statistics related to them.

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Intro to Your Tech: Authentication

Intro to Your Tech: Authentication

Authentication is something that even the everyday user of a computer might encounter in different ways. Take, for example, identity authentication. You can use a driver’s license, library card, or even a PIN number. Computers use authentication as a part of their main primary functionality, and it mostly comes in the form of passwords and usernames. We’ll take a closer look into what authentication is and what it does.

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