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ImageSys LLC Blog

ImageSys LLC has been serving the Gaithersburg area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Everything You Need to Know About PCI Compliance

Everything You Need to Know About PCI Compliance

Nowadays, every business accepts payment cards. To protect people’s personal and financial information when conducting transactions using credit, debit, and gift cards, the companies that stand to lose the most if these transactions are compromised: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express, have implemented industry-wide compliance regulations. This regulation is called PCI DSS, short for Payment Card Index Digital Security Standard. Let’s take a brief look at this regulation.

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Why Remote Employees Can Feel Overworked (and How to Avoid It)

Why Remote Employees Can Feel Overworked (and How to Avoid It)

While many people who were afforded the option have likely grown used to remote work at this point, that does not mean a business that adopts it can do so with complete impunity. One considerable issue that many remote workers have been experiencing is a sincere issue of overwork, believe it or not. Let’s examine why this is a problem, and how you can address it in your own business.

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Using VoIP Can Take Your Company Further

Using VoIP Can Take Your Company Further

Voice over Internet Protocol has been one of the most dynamically growing products in all of information technology. Today, over 30 percent of businesses are using VoIP, and that number is growing fast. VoIP presents some extraordinary benefits for businesses that do business internationally. Today, we’ll take a look at VoIP’s trends and how it can be an effective investment for your company.

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Insider Threats Can Be a Major Problem

Insider Threats Can Be a Major Problem

Your business may rely on its technology, but it relies on your employees more. This relationship can expose your business to a myriad of different problems that hinder progress and stymie productivity. One of those problems happens to be IT-related threats that come from inside your company. Today, we are going to discuss the different types of insider threats to help you understand what you need to be looking for to keep your data and network secure. 

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Tip of the Week: Communication Practices to Support Your Business

Tip of the Week: Communication Practices to Support Your Business

Nowadays, there is little more important to a business than communication, especially when it comes to keeping your clients and customers in the loop. Even in the best of times, this kind of communication is critical. Let’s review a few communication best practices that you and your team should always keep in mind for this week’s tip.

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How to Protect Your Business as You Reopen

How to Protect Your Business as You Reopen

As remote operations continue for many, while many are working to return to the official workplace, security and business continuity are more important to your business than ever. Let’s go over a few things you need to address to successfully reopen without exposing your business to undue risks.

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To Reopen Safely, Business Will Need to Embrace Technology

To Reopen Safely, Business Will Need to Embrace Technology

COVID-19 has most small businesses in the United States over a barrel. On the one hand, reopening too soon could help the virus resume its spread, waiting too long could put an organization’s entire future in jeopardy. Fortunately, with the right technology at their disposal, businesses have a better option.

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Tip of the Week: Three Keys to Time Management

Tip of the Week: Three Keys to Time Management

“We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.” – Willy Wonka, as written by Roald Dahl.

Time is perhaps the most finite resource there is, especially when it comes to business productivity. Whether your team is working in the office or remotely, it is important that that spend their available time wisely. Here, we’ve put together a few tips to share with your team to help them be more productive in their work tasks.

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You Need to Focus on Your Cybersecurity on Three Fronts

You Need to Focus on Your Cybersecurity on Three Fronts

When a business gets hacked or loses data, it can turn out to be a problem that won’t go away. If your business is seeking to get the security it needs to protect the welfare of your employees, your clients, and your substantial investment, you have to start to look at the bigger picture. The security of your business happens at three levels and you need a plan for each. Today, we’ll take a look at these three levels.

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What Can Be Learned from the Most Recent DBIR

What Can Be Learned from the Most Recent DBIR

Since 2008, Verizon has released an annual report that details the cybersecurity incident trends from the beginning of the year. As usual, this year’s edition provided some insights into the patterns witnessed in 2019, hopefully giving us a greater appreciation for how cybercriminals are shaping their attacks. Let’s go over some of the trends that the Verizon Business 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) revealed to us.

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Tip of the Week: Streamlining Your Workstation for Focused Productivity

Tip of the Week: Streamlining Your Workstation for Focused Productivity

Productivity is generally included in any company’s list of priorities, and among those, it generally ranks somewhat near the top. With workplaces beginning to open with very different processes than what they are used to, productivity may be a little challenging to maintain. That’s why, for this week’s tip, we’re sharing one way you can hit the ground running at the start of your day.

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Cloud Computing Offers Quick Solutions

Cloud Computing Offers Quick Solutions

Most businesses today use cloud computing in one way or another. As people have been working from home, the value of cloud-based platforms has been noticed by new organizations of all types. With some businesses having seen significant cost reduction with their workforce dispersed, investing in cloud computing is being suggested by industry professionals to enhance access for remote workers. Today, we’ll take a look at the cloud migration process and how moving some platforms to the cloud is the logical next step for some businesses. 

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Cloud or On-site? That is the Question

Cloud or On-site? That is the Question

The small business has been really hit hard recently.  With around one-sixth of the workforce working online because of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have been doing some hand wringing about their future IT investments. Do you keep your computing resource onsite or do you look to the cloud to fill in? Today, we will take a look at this very question.

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Tip of the Week: A New Way to Be Productive

Tip of the Week: A New Way to Be Productive

We’ve all been there before: looking at our schedule and finding that something has been added to our day, with little-to-no context to describe what it is we are supposed to do. This is not the kind of thing that leads to a productive office and a productive working environment. That’s why we’re sharing how to start each of your team’s responsibilities on the right foot for this week’s tip: tasking it out properly.

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Hosted VoIP Is a Communications Game Changer

Hosted VoIP Is a Communications Game Changer

For the small business owner, this has to go down as one of the most challenging periods in recent memory. Many of the more fortunate businesses have shifted their operations remotely as stay-at-home orders were in place with varying degrees of success. Regardless of where your business is in relation to normal, you’ll always be looking for solutions that will both reduce costs and bring more dynamic functionality to your business. One such solution is hosted VoIP.

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Make Sure Your Team Is Always Thinking about Security

Make Sure Your Team Is Always Thinking about Security

As a greater proportion of the workforce is spending time at home working remotely, it is important to keep security even more in mind than usual. Not only are people apt to be online more, they will also be outside of the protections that your business provides. This gives scammers an opportunity to embrace.

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Tip of the Week: Browsing More Productively with Chrome on Android

Tip of the Week: Browsing More Productively with Chrome on Android

It is safe to say that the concept of productivity has long been a priority to businesses, so much so that it spurred on a variety of the recognizable innovations that businesses profit from today. This includes the development of mobile browsing, especially where the Android version of Chrome comes in. Here, we wanted to share a few tips to help you make the most of your own mobile browsing with Chrome.

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The Equifax Situation Can Teach You Why Network Security Is Important

The Equifax Situation Can Teach You Why Network Security Is Important

About two and a half years ago, the financial services company Equifax was forced to admit that over 145 million people were victims of one of the largest data breaches in history. The company’s network was accessible by hackers from May until July of 2017 after a website application’s vulnerability was exploited. 

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How Cloud Solutions Fit into Businesses Today

How Cloud Solutions Fit into Businesses Today

Cloud computing has seen momentous growth over the past decade, but despite this, many business decision makers have been resistant to the change. However, with stay-at-home orders now keeping employees at home for months at a time, the cloud is swiftly becoming the best option to fulfill many of their needs. Let’s review how businesses can use the cloud to present solutions to solve potential problems. 

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Tip of the Week: Video Conferencing, Done Better

Tip of the Week: Video Conferencing, Done Better

Video conferencing has become a staple in the workplace, especially as social distancing encourages teams to remain at home and collaborate remotely. Considering this, it only seemed prudent to dedicate this week’s tip to how to use video conferencing more effectively.

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