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ImageSys LLC Blog

ImageSys LLC has been serving the Gaithersburg area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Efficient Project Management Starts with Technology

Efficient Project Management Starts with Technology

Projects are a big part of doing business. When we mention projects it’s typically in reference to IT projects, but for your average business, when they think of projects it means specific jobs coordinated for specific clients. In this environment it is essential to get the people on a project team on the same page and working towards a shared end. In this week's blog, we thought we’d discuss the importance of solid project management and how certain technologies can help project managers improve their turnaround times. 

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Need to Get Things Done? Try Taking a Power Hour

Need to Get Things Done? Try Taking a Power Hour

If we asked you to identify the one hour of your day when you get the most done, would you be able to tell us? Even more interestingly, do you know how to get the most out of your so-called “power hour?” Let’s take a look at some of the theories about how you can make the most out of your most productive time in the workplace.

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What Do You Think About a Four-Day Workweek?

What Do You Think About a Four-Day Workweek?

There are many proponents of the four-day workweek, so many to the point where it is actively being implemented to determine if it is as successful of a strategy as it is in theory. You might be surprised to hear that it is, in fact, a successful business model, and there are studies to back it up.

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What You Have to Do to Make Your Cloud Migration Go Smoothly

What You Have to Do to Make Your Cloud Migration Go Smoothly

The cloud can be a wonderful asset for a business that utilizes it well—particularly if the business can move much of its IT workload to the provider. For organizations that are considering migration to the cloud, we have some helpful tips and tricks to make the process easier than ever.

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The Modern CRM Offers Businesses Valuable Functionality

The Modern CRM Offers Businesses Valuable Functionality

Customer relationship management is an important facet of any operational business’ processes, which makes the benefits a CRM platform provides all the more needed, and welcomed. Let’s take a few minutes to review what these benefits look like, based on the features your CRM should provide. 

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Your Business Can Benefit from RICE Prioritization Framework

Your Business Can Benefit from RICE Prioritization Framework

You may have heard of the RICE prioritization framework for developing new products, but we believe that it can be applied to not just products, but also to services and even project implementation practices. What is this framework, and how can you use it when developing new ideas for your business?

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Tip of the Week: Customizing Application Volumes

Tip of the Week: Customizing Application Volumes

There are a lot of different notification sounds that the average office worker needs to listen for as they’re hard at work. However, these notifications can often be drowned out by other applications. To help prevent this, we wanted to go over how you can adjust the volume levels of some of your individual applications.

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Five Reasons Remote Monitoring and Maintenance is an Essential Asset

Five Reasons Remote Monitoring and Maintenance is an Essential Asset

While reliable technology support has always been important, the sudden and widespread adoption of remote work by so many businesses has made it an essential component for an organization’s success. However, for your team members to have technology that continues to serve them as they do so, it is important that they are able to receive the same support as they would in the office.

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Tip of the Week: Replicating Text Across Microsoft Word Docs

Tip of the Week: Replicating Text Across Microsoft Word Docs

Microsoft Word offers a variety of handy capabilities that could potentially save users a lot of time—including the means to replicate text across multiple documents, down to the formatting. In doing so, you can edit the text in one place to edit all instances of it simultaneously. Let’s go over how to accomplish this.

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Automation Can Bring a Lot of Business Benefits, with Few Tradeoffs

Automation Can Bring a Lot of Business Benefits, with Few Tradeoffs

The most successful businesses are those that are always seeking to improve what they offer—oftentimes, taking a successful element and simply making it more efficient to deliver. In the past, this basically meant that businesses needed to have their employees work more quickly. However, today’s improved technology and the automation that it makes possible have delivered a much more consistent option.

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Drones are for More than Espionage: Today’s Most Useful Applications

Drones are for More than Espionage: Today’s Most Useful Applications

Drones—they sure seem to be everywhere these days, don’t they? There’s a good reason for that. More than a hobbyist’s plaything or a military asset, drones have practical applications in a wide variety of industries. Let’s go over how different industries have adopted these handy devices to suit their needs.

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Speed Up Your Email Communications with Gmail Templates

Speed Up Your Email Communications with Gmail Templates

Gmail is a popular option for businesses seeking to use email, one of the business world’s most popular solutions, seeing as it has a 33.7 percent market share. Many of these businesses may have found that they spend more time using Gmail than they would prefer. Fortunately, if this time is spent repeatedly writing the same message, there is a solution: Gmail templates.

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The Basics of Business Analytics

The Basics of Business Analytics

You may have heard the term “business analytics” thrown around before. This growing field can offer businesses of all sizes some substantial operational benefits in the form of optimized performance and improved decision making. Let’s review what business analytics are, and how you can embrace them to your advantage with technology.

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A Basic Look at Collaboration Solutions

A Basic Look at Collaboration Solutions

As technology has improved, the capacity for businesses to operate has risen along with it. In no place is it clearer than in today’s collaboration solutions and the utility they can now offer. Let’s examine what collaboration solutions are, and how they benefit the businesses that adopt them.

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Tip of the Week: Our Favorite Lesser-known Keyboard Shortcuts

Tip of the Week: Our Favorite Lesser-known Keyboard Shortcuts

There is no denying that the keyboard shortcuts we use are handy. Of course, you have the old cut, copy, paste standbys, but there are others out there that are helpful as well. For this week’s tip, we wanted to pay attention to a few other shortcuts you may have a use for.

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Tip of the Week: Three Keys to Time Management

Tip of the Week: Three Keys to Time Management

“We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.” – Willy Wonka, as written by Roald Dahl.

Time is perhaps the most finite resource there is, especially when it comes to business productivity. Whether your team is working in the office or remotely, it is important that that spend their available time wisely. Here, we’ve put together a few tips to share with your team to help them be more productive in their work tasks.

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Tip of the Week: A New Way to Be Productive

Tip of the Week: A New Way to Be Productive

We’ve all been there before: looking at our schedule and finding that something has been added to our day, with little-to-no context to describe what it is we are supposed to do. This is not the kind of thing that leads to a productive office and a productive working environment. That’s why we’re sharing how to start each of your team’s responsibilities on the right foot for this week’s tip: tasking it out properly.

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Tip of the Week: Browsing More Productively with Chrome on Android

Tip of the Week: Browsing More Productively with Chrome on Android

It is safe to say that the concept of productivity has long been a priority to businesses, so much so that it spurred on a variety of the recognizable innovations that businesses profit from today. This includes the development of mobile browsing, especially where the Android version of Chrome comes in. Here, we wanted to share a few tips to help you make the most of your own mobile browsing with Chrome.

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How to Reduce Your Business’ Use of Paper

How to Reduce Your Business’ Use of Paper

While there are plenty of ways that a business can cut costs in the long term, one very effective way that this can be accomplished is by adopting more paperless solutions and printing less. As an added bonus, these solutions are also better for the environment as a whole, as they reduce the amount of resources being expended to do business. Let’s go over a few ways that you could cut back on your business’ paper expenditures over time.

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How to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly in 2020

How to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly in 2020

Whether your motives are financial, or you are actively trying to be more environmentally conscious in your business, there are plenty of ways to encourage ‘green’ behaviors in the workplace. We’ve taken the liberty of assembling a few of them for your consideration:

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